Unlocking Redis Timeseries: Getting the Last N Elements
Image by Edwig - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking Redis Timeseries: Getting the Last N Elements

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Redis, the powerhouse of in-memory data storage, has taken the world of real-time data processing by storm. With its Timeseries module, you can efficiently store and retrieve vast amounts of time-stamped data. But, have you ever wondered how to get the last N elements from a Redis Timeseries? Well, wonder no more! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Redis Timeseries and explore the magic of retrieving the last N elements with ease.

Why Redis Timeseries?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of getting the last N elements, let’s briefly discuss why Redis Timeseries is an ideal choice for storing and processing time-stamped data.

  • Faster than disk-based storage: Redis’ in-memory architecture ensures blazing-fast data retrieval, making it perfect for real-time applications.
  • Scalability: With Redis, you can easily scale your storage to accommodate massive amounts of data.
  • Efficient data compression: Redis Timeseries uses a custom compression algorithm to reduce storage requirements, making it a cost-effective solution.

Getting Started with Redis Timeseries

Before we begin, make sure you have Redis installed on your system and have loaded the Timeseries module. You can do this by running the following command:

redis-cli MODULE LOAD timeseries

Creating a Timeseries

To create a new Timeseries, use the TS.CREATE command:

redis-cli TS.CREATE mytimeseries

This creates a new Timeseries named “mytimeseries”. You can then add data points to the Timeseries using the TS.ADD command:

redis-cli TS.ADD mytimeseries 1643723400 10
redis-cli TS.ADD mytimeseries 1643723401 20
redis-cli TS.ADD mytimeseries 1643723402 30

Getting the Last N Elements

Now that we have our Timeseries set up, let’s get to the good stuff – retrieving the last N elements!

The TS.GET command comes with an optional COUNT parameter that allows you to specify the number of elements to retrieve from the end of the Timeseries.




redis-cli TS.GET mytimeseries WITH COUNT 5

This command retrieves the last 5 elements from the “mytimeseries” Timeseries.

Understanding the Response

The response from the TS.GET command will be a list of data points, each containing a timestamp and a value:

1) 1) (integer) 1643723405
   2) (integer) 50
2) 1) (integer) 1643723404
   2) (integer) 40
3) 1) (integer) 1643723403
   2) (integer) 30
4) 1) (integer) 1643723402
   2) (integer) 20
5) 1) (integer) 1643723401
   2) (integer) 10

In this response, each element in the list represents a data point, with the timestamp as the first element and the value as the second element.

Real-World Scenarios

Now that we’ve covered the basics of getting the last N elements from a Redis Timeseries, let’s explore some real-world scenarios where this functionality shines.

Displaying Recent Sensor Readings

Imagine you’re building a monitoring system for a sensor that reports temperature readings every minute. You can use Redis Timeseries to store these readings and retrieve the last 10 readings to display on a dashboard:

redis-cli TS.GET sensor_readings WITH COUNT 10

Calculating Moving Averages

In finance, moving averages are crucial for analyzing stock prices. With Redis Timeseries, you can store stock prices and retrieve the last 20 prices to calculate the moving average:

redis-cli TS.GET stock_prices WITH COUNT 20

Common Use Cases for Getting Last N Elements

Besides the scenarios mentioned above, getting the last N elements from a Redis Timeseries has many other use cases:

Use Case Description
Live Leaderboards Retrieve the last N scores or rankings to display on a live leaderboard.
Real-time Charts Get the last N data points to update real-time charts and graphs.
Monitoring System Alerts Retrieve the last N system errors or warnings to trigger alerts and notifications.
Data Sampling Get the last N data points to perform data sampling and exploratory data analysis.


In this article, we’ve explored the world of Redis Timeseries and learned how to get the last N elements from a Timeseries using the TS.GET command with the COUNT parameter. With Redis Timeseries, you can efficiently store and retrieve massive amounts of time-stamped data, making it an ideal choice for real-time data processing applications.

Remember, the key to unlocking the full potential of Redis Timeseries lies in understanding its capabilities and applying them to your specific use cases. So, go ahead, get creative, and start building your next real-time application with Redis Timeseries!

Happy coding!

Here are 5 Q&A about “Redis Timeseries get last N elements”:

Frequently Asked Question

Are you tired of digging through Redis Timeseries documentation to find the answer to your question? Well, you’re in luck! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you get started.

How do I get the last N elements from a Redis Timeseries?

You can use the `TS.GET` command with the `COUNT` option to retrieve the last N elements from a Redis Timeseries. For example, `TS.GET mytimeseries COUNT 10` will return the last 10 elements from the `mytimeseries` timeseries.

What if I want to get the last N elements with a specific filtering criteria?

You can use the `TS.GET` command with the `FILTER` option to apply a filter to the retrieved elements. For example, `TS.GET mytimeseries FILTER_BY.testng == ‘true’ COUNT 10` will return the last 10 elements from the `mytimeseries` timeseries that have a `testng` label equal to `true`.

Can I use Redis pipelining to retrieve multiple Timeseries at once?

Yes, you can use Redis pipelining to retrieve multiple Timeseries at once. You can send multiple `TS.GET` commands in a single pipeline and Redis will return the results in a single response. This can greatly improve performance when retrieving multiple Timeseries.

What is the performance impact of retrieving a large number of elements?

Retrieving a large number of elements can have a significant performance impact, especially if the Timeseries is very large. To mitigate this, you can use the `COUNT` option to limit the number of elements returned, or use the `AGGREGATION` option to perform aggregation on the data instead of retrieving individual elements.

Are there any limitations to the number of elements I can retrieve at once?

Yes, there are limitations to the number of elements you can retrieve at once. The maximum number of elements that can be returned by the `TS.GET` command is determined by the `redis.timeseries.max-bytes` configuration option, which defaults to 1MB. You can increase this limit by adjusting the configuration option, but be careful not to exceed the available memory.

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