Unveiling the Mystery: Fixing Hidden Minimize, Maximize, and Close Buttons in PyQt5 MDI Subwindows
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Unveiling the Mystery: Fixing Hidden Minimize, Maximize, and Close Buttons in PyQt5 MDI Subwindows

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Are you tired of dealing with the frustration of hidden minimize, maximize, and close buttons in your PyQt5 MDI (Multiple Document Interface) application? You’re not alone! Many developers have stumbled upon this issue, only to find themselves scratching their heads in search of a solution. Fear not, dear reader, for today we’ll embark on a journey to uncover the secrets behind this peculiar phenomenon and provide a step-by-step guide to resolve it once and for all.

Understanding the Problem: MDI Subwindows and Button Hiding

Before diving into the solution, it’s essential to understand the root cause of this issue. MDI is a UI paradigm that allows multiple windows to coexist within a single parent window. In PyQt5, when you create a subwindow within an MDI application, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons (collectively referred to as the “window frame buttons”) are expected to remain visible, allowing users to interact with the subwindow as needed.

However, whenever you maximize a subwindow, the window frame buttons mysteriously disappear, leaving users bewildered and your application looking unpolished. This anomaly is triggered by the subwindow’s maximization, which sets the window flags to `Qt.WindowMaximized`, effectively hiding the window frame buttons.

Why Do Window Frame Buttons Disappear?

The disappearance of window frame buttons is a result of PyQt5’s default behavior, which is designed to provide a seamless desktop-like experience. When a subwindow is maximized, the window manager takes control, and the window frame buttons are hidden to create a more immersive user experience. While this behavior is intended for top-level windows, it can have unintended consequences in MDI applications.

Solution: Fixing Hidden Window Frame Buttons in PyQt5 MDI Subwindows

Now that we’ve understood the problem, it’s time to craft a solution to restore the missing window frame buttons. Fear not, for we’ll guide you through a tried-and-tested approach to rectify this issue.

The solution involves creating a custom subwindow class that overrides the default behavior, ensuring the window frame buttons remain visible even when the subwindow is maximized. We’ll also explore an additional technique to fine-tune the appearance of the window frame buttons.

Step 1: Create a Custom Subwindow Class

Begin by creating a new class that inherits from `QMdiSubWindow`:

import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMdiSubWindow, QPushButton, QVBoxLayout, QWidget
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt

class CustomMdiSubWindow(QMdiSubWindow):
    def __init__(self):
        super(CustomMdiSubWindow, self).__init__()

        # Create a sample widget to demonstrate the fix
        self.widget = QWidget()
        self.button = QPushButton("Click me!")
        layout = QVBoxLayout()

Step 2: Override the `event()` Method

In the custom subwindow class, override the `event()` method to capture the `Qt.WindowStateChange` event. This event is triggered when the subwindow’s state changes, such as when it’s maximized or restored:

def event(self, event):
    if event.type() == Qt.WindowStateChange:
        # Re-show the window frame buttons
        self.setWindowFlags(Qt.Window | Qt.WindowMinimizeButtonHint | Qt.WindowMaximizeButtonHint | Qt.WindowCloseButtonHint)
    return super(CustomMdiSubWindow, self).event(event)

In this code, we’re setting the window flags to `Qt.Window` and re-enabling the window frame buttons using `Qt.WindowMinimizeButtonHint`, `Qt.WindowMaximizeButtonHint`, and `Qt.WindowCloseButtonHint`. This ensures that the buttons remain visible even when the subwindow is maximized.

Step 3: Apply the Custom Subwindow Class

Replace your existing `QMdiSubWindow` instances with the custom `CustomMdiSubWindow` class:

mdi_area = QMdiArea()
subwindow = CustomMdiSubWindow()

VoilĂ ! With these simple steps, you’ve successfully restored the missing window frame buttons in your PyQt5 MDI application.

Additional Technique: Fine-Tuning Window Frame Button Appearance

In some cases, you might want to adjust the appearance of the window frame buttons to better suit your application’s design. PyQt5 provides an extensive range of stylesheets and customization options to help you achieve this.

Example: Changing the Window Frame Button Icons

Let’s modify the window frame button icons using a stylesheet:

from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication

app = QApplication(sys.argv)

# Create a font Awesome instance
font_awesome = QFont("FontAwesome", 12)

# Set the stylesheet
stylesheed = """
QMdiSubWindow::window-caption {
    font-family: FontAwesome;
    font-size: 12px;
QMdiSubWindow::window-caption::icon {
    background: #f0f0f0;
    padding: 2px;
    border-radius: 2px;


# Create a custom subwindow instance
subwindow = CustomMdiSubWindow()

# Show the application

In this example, we’ve used Font Awesome to change the window frame button icons. You can customize the appearance of the buttons by modifying the stylesheet to suit your needs.


In conclusion, we’ve demystified the issue of hidden window frame buttons in PyQt5 MDI subwindows and provided a comprehensive solution to restore them. By creating a custom subwindow class and overriding the `event()` method, you can ensure that the window frame buttons remain visible even when the subwindow is maximized. Additionally, we’ve explored an optional technique to fine-tune the appearance of the window frame buttons using stylesheets.

With this knowledge, you’re now equipped to create more polished and user-friendly MDI applications in PyQt5. Remember, a well-designed application is not just about functionality but also about providing an exceptional user experience.

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Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to common questions about maximizing subwindows in MDI with PyQt5

Why do the minimize, maximize, and close buttons disappear when I maximize a subwindow in MDI with PyQt5?

This is a known issue in PyQt5 where the window control buttons (minimize, maximize, and close) can get hidden when a subwindow is maximized in an MDI (Multiple Document Interface) application. The reason for this is that the window control buttons are not automatically resized or repositioned when the subwindow is maximized.

How can I prevent the window control buttons from hiding when maximizing a subwindow in MDI with PyQt5?

One possible solution is to manually set the geometry of the window control buttons after maximizing the subwindow. You can do this by overriding the `showMaximized()` method of the `QMdiSubWindow` class and adjusting the button positions accordingly.

Can I use CSS to style the window control buttons and prevent them from hiding when maximizing a subwindow in MDI with PyQt5?

While CSS can be used to style the window control buttons, it’s not a straightforward solution to prevent them from hiding. However, you can use CSS to adjust the button positions and make them more visible even when the subwindow is maximized.

Are there any workarounds to keep the window control buttons visible when maximizing a subwindow in MDI with PyQt5?

Yes, one possible workaround is to use a custom title bar or window frame that includes the window control buttons. This can be achieved by creating a custom `QMdiSubWindow` class and overriding the `titleBarWidget()` method to return a custom widget that includes the buttons.

Can I report this issue to the PyQt5 developers to get a fix?

Yes, you can report this issue to the PyQt5 developers or contributors. They may be able to provide a fix or a better solution in future releases. You can file a bug report on the PyQt5 GitHub page or seek help from the PyQt5 community.

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