How to Remove a POI Label from the Standard Style Mapbox (Restaurant for Example)
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How to Remove a POI Label from the Standard Style Mapbox (Restaurant for Example)

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Are you tired of those pesky POI labels cluttering up your beautiful Mapbox map? You know, the ones that point out every single restaurant, hotel, and coffee shop in the area? Yeah, we feel you. Sometimes, less is more, and a clean map is a happy map. So, in this article, we’ll show you how to remove those unwanted POI labels from your standard style Mapbox map.

What are POI Labels, and Why Do We Need to Remove Them?

POI stands for “Point of Interest,” and these labels are used to identify specific locations on a map, such as restaurants, landmarks, and other notable attractions. While they can be useful for navigation and exploration, they can also get in the way of your map’s design and overall aesthetic.

In some cases, you might want to remove POI labels to:

  • Reduce visual clutter and improve map readability
  • Create a more minimalist design
  • Highlight specific features or custom markers on your map
  • Customize the map to fit your brand’s style and identity

Understanding the Standard Style Mapbox

Before we dive into removing POI labels, let’s take a quick look at the standard style Mapbox. The standard style map is the default map style used by Mapbox, and it includes a range of features, such as:

Roads, buildings, and other geographical features rendered in a clean, neutral color scheme

Labels for cities, towns, and other populated areas

POI labels for restaurants, hotels, schools, and other points of interest

Terrain and elevation data to provide context and depth to the map

Removing POI Labels from the Standard Style Mapbox

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s get down to business! Removing POI labels from the standard style Mapbox involves a few lines of code and a solid understanding of the Mapbox GL JS library. Don’t worry if you’re not a coding expert – we’ll break it down step by step.

Method 1: Using the `layout` Property

The first method involves using the `layout` property to customize the appearance of the POI labels. We’ll set the `visibility` property to `none` to hide the labels altogether.

map.on('load', function() {
  map.setLayoutProperty('poi-label', 'visibility', 'none');

This code snippet uses the `on` method to listen for the map’s `load` event. Once the map is loaded, we use the `setLayoutProperty` method to target the `poi-label` layer and set its `visibility` property to `none`. This will effectively remove the POI labels from the map.

Method 2: Using the `filter` Property

The second method involves using the `filter` property to selectively hide POI labels based on specific conditions. In this case, we’ll create a filter that excludes POI labels with a certain type (e.g., restaurants).

map.on('load', function() {
  map.setFilter('poi-label', ['!', ['==', ['get', 'type'], 'restaurant']]);

This code snippet uses the `on` method to listen for the map’s `load` event. Once the map is loaded, we use the `setFilter` method to target the `poi-label` layer and create a filter that excludes POI labels with a `type` property equal to `restaurant`. The `!` symbol negates the condition, so only POI labels that do not match this condition will be displayed.

Customizing the Removal of POI Labels

In some cases, you might want to remove POI labels selectively, based on specific conditions or criteria. Here are a few examples:

Removing POI Labels by Type

Let’s say you want to remove only restaurant POI labels, but keep all other types of POI labels. You can modify the `filter` property to target specific types of POI labels.

map.on('load', function() {
  map.setFilter('poi-label', ['!', ['==', ['get', 'type'], 'restaurant']]);
  map.setFilter('poi-label', ['!', ['==', ['get', 'type'], 'hotel']]);
  map.setFilter('poi-label', ['!', ['==', ['get', 'type'], 'school']]);

This code snippet uses multiple `setFilter` methods to target specific types of POI labels (restaurants, hotels, and schools) and hide them from the map.

Removing POI Labels by Location

What if you want to remove POI labels only within a specific geographic area? You can use the `filter` property to target POI labels based on their location.

map.on('load', function() {
  map.setFilter('poi-label', ['!', ['within', ['get', 'geometry'], [lng1, lat1], [lng2, lat2]]]);

This code snippet uses the `within` operator to target POI labels within a specific bounding box defined by the `lng1`, `lat1`, `lng2`, and `lat2` coordinates. Only POI labels outside this area will be displayed.


Removing POI labels from the standard style Mapbox can be a game-changer for your mapping project. By using the `layout` or `filter` properties, you can customize the appearance of your map and create a more streamlined, visually appealing design. Remember to experiment with different methods and conditions to achieve the desired effect for your specific use case.

So, go ahead and take control of your Mapbox map! Remove those pesky POI labels and create a map that truly represents your brand and vision.

Method Description
Using the `layout` Property Set the `visibility` property to `none` to hide POI labels
Using the `filter` Property Create a filter to selectively hide POI labels based on specific conditions

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unleash the power of Mapbox and master the art of tweaking those pesky POIs!

How do I remove a POI label from the standard style map in Mapbox?

Easy peasy! You can remove POI labels by adding the `visibility` property to your layer and setting it to `none`. For example, to remove restaurant labels, you’d use `visibility: none` in the `layout` object of the `symbol` layer. Boom!

What if I want to remove all POI labels at once?

No problem! You can remove all POI labels by targeting the `poi-label` layer and setting its `visibility` to `none`. You can do this in your Mapbox style file or using the Mapbox Studio. Just add `visibility: none` to the `poi-label` layer, and voilà! Your map will be POI-label-free!

Can I remove POI labels only for a specific zoom level?

You bet! You can remove POI labels only for a specific zoom level by adding a `visibility` property with a `zoom` function. For example, to remove restaurant labels only at zoom level 15 and below, you’d use `visibility: [‘==’, ‘zoom’, 15]`. This way, the labels will disappear at zoom level 15 and reappear at higher zoom levels.

How do I remove POI labels for a specific type of POI, like restaurants or cafes?

Piece of cake! You can remove POI labels for a specific type of POI by targeting the corresponding layer. For example, to remove restaurant labels, you’d target the `restaurant` layer and set its `visibility` to `none`. You can do this in your Mapbox style file or using the Mapbox Studio. Just find the layer you want to remove and add `visibility: none` to make those labels disappear!

Will removing POI labels affect the map’s performance?

Removing POI labels should have a minimal impact on your map’s performance, if any. Mapbox is optimized to handle complex styles and large datasets, so removing some labels won’t slow down your map. However, if you’re working with a massive style file or a highly customized map, it’s always a good idea to test and optimize your map for performance.

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